Endang S. Rahayu, Agung Yogeswara, Mariyatun, Linda Windiarti, Tyas Utami, and Koichi Watanabe. 2015. Molecular Characteristics of Indigenous Probiotic Strains from Indonesia. International Jounal of Probiotic and Prebiotic; 10 (4): 109-116.
Nakayama, J. et al. (including Endang S Rahayu). 2015. Diversity in gut bacterial community of school-age children in Asia. Nature Sci. Rep. 5, 8397; DOI:10.1038/srep08397
Nova W Pratiwi, Andika Sidar, Latifah Zakaria, Purnama Darmadji, and Endang S. Rahayu. 2015. Airborne fungi and aflatoxin-producing Aspergillus flavus group on gaplek (dried cassava) storage warehouse in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology & Environmental Sciences (Accepted for December)
Andika Sidar, Nova W. Pratiwi, Jaka Widada, Latifah Zakaria, and Endang S. Rahayu. 2016. Molecular detection and cluster analysis of vacuolar serine protease gene in Penicillium isolated from hospital indoor air in Yogyakarta Indonesia. Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology & Environmental Sciences (Accepted for March 2016)
Reny Mailia, Bara Yudhistira,Yudi Pranoto, Saiful Rochdyanto, and Endang S. Rahayu. 2015. Heat Resistance of Contamination Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus and Spore-forming Bacteria which isolated from production of Tahu Sudagaran Yogyakarta. Agritech 35 (3): 300 – 308
Tyas Utami, M. Nur Cahyanto, Mohammad Juffrie, and Endang S Rahayu. 2015. Recovery of Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota (LcS) from the intestine of healthy Indonesian volunteers after intake of fermented milk and its impact on the Enterobacteriaceae faecal microbiota. International Jounal of Probiotic and Prebiotic 10 (2/3) : 77-84
Siti Helmyati, Mohammad Juffrie, Endang S. Rahayu, and B.J. Istiti Kandarina. 2015. Sensory evaluation comparison of formulated fermented milk and commercial fermented milk: A new formulated fermented milk as food supplement for iron-deficiency anemia elimination program. Int.J.Curr.Micobiol.App.Sci 4(7): 657-665
Mona Nur Moulia, Sigit Setyabudi, Baharuddin Salleh, Endang S. Rahayu. 2014. Penicillium species isolated from cocoa, coffee beans, and dried cassava in Yogyakarta Indonesia and their ochratoxin production. Indonesian Food and Nutrition Progress 13 (1):1-10
Tyas Utami, Giyarto Giyarto, Titik F. Djaafar, Endang S. Rahayu. 2014. Growth of Lactobacillus paracasei SNP-2 in peanut milk and its survival in fermented peanut milk drink during storage. Indonesian Food and Nutrition Progress 13 (1):13-16
Nanik Suhartatik, MN Cahyanto, Sri Raharjo, M Miyashita, Endang S Rahayu. 2014. Isolation and identification of lactic acid bacteria producing β-glucosidase from Indonesian fermented foods. International Food Research Journal 21(3):937-942
Titiek F Djaafar, Umar Santosa, M Nur Cahyamto, S Takuya, Endang S. Rahayu and N. Kosuke. 2013. Effect of indigenous lactic acid bacteria fermentation on enrichment of isoflavone and antioxidant properties of kerandang (Canavalia virosa) extract. International Food Research Journal 20(5): 2945-2950
Petrus A Nugroho, FMCS Setyabudi, B Saleh and Endang S Rahayu. 2013. Fumonisin-Producing Fusarium from Maize Grains in Tretep, Indonesia. Journal of Food Science and Engineering, (3): 534-540
Apriyanto D Nugroho, FMCS Setyabudi, B Salleh and Endang S Rahayu. 2013. Ochratoxigenic Black Aspergilli Isolated from Dried Agricultural Products in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Journal of Food Science and Engineering, (3): 472-480
Suhartatik N., Cahyanto MN, Raharjo, S., Rahayu ES. 2013. Antioxidant activity of black sticky rice during fermentation. Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pertanian. Vol XXIV (1):110-115
Titiek F Djaafar, MN Cahyanto, Umar Santoso and Endang S Rahayu. 2013. Growth of indigenous lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum-pentosus T14 T35 in kerandang (Canavalia virosa) milk and changes of raffinose. Malaysian Journal of Microbiology, 9(3):213-218
Suhartatik N., Karyantina, M., Mustofa, A., Cahyanto MN, Raharjo, S., Rahayu ES. 2013. Anthocyanin Stability of Black Sticky Rice During Heating and Storing. Agritech 33 (4): 384-390
Titiek F Djaafar, Umar Santosa, MN Cahyanto, Endang S Rahayu. 2012. Effect of soaking and boiling of the protein, sugar , total phenolic and antioxidant activity kerandang (Canavalia virosa). Agritech 32 (3) Agustus: 294-300
Tri Mawarti, Nur Richana, Eni Harmayani, Endang S Rahayu. 2012. Characterization of the pediosin encoding gene PAF-11 on Pediococcus acidilactici F-11. Berita Biology 11(2)-Agustus
Tri Marwati, Irinne DP, Nur Richana, Eni Harmayani, Endang S Rahayu. 2012. Initial mechanism and antibacteri application of pediosin PaF-11 as preservative on tofu. Jurnal Penelitian Pasca Panen Pertanian. 9 (2): 67-75
Wikandari, PR., Suparmo, Marsono, Y., Rahayu, ES. 2012. Potency of Lactic Acid Bacteria that isolated from bekasam as angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor producer on pada bekasam fermentation like product. Agritech 32 (3) Agustus: 258-264
Tri Marwati, Nur Richana, Eni Harmayani and Endang S. Rahayu. 2012. Pediosin PaF-11 Production and Purification Methods from Pediococcus acidilactici F-11. Jurnal Penelitian Pasca Panen Pertanian. 9 (1): 21-27
Lawalata, HJ., Sembiring, L., and Rahayu ES. 2011. Molecular identification of lactic acid bacteria producing antimicrobial agents from Bakasang, an Indonesian Traditional fermented fish products. Indonesian Jourmal of Biotechnology, December, 16 (2): 93-99
Wikandari, PR., Suparmo, Marsono, Y. Rahayu, ES. 2011. Potency of bekasam bandeng (Chanos chanos) as Angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitor source. Biota Februari 16 (1): 145-152.
Luwihana, S., Kuswanto, K.R., Rahayu, E. S. Dan Sudarmadji, S. 2010. Variation of Initial pH and Ethanol Concentration on Acetic Acid Fermentation by Immobilized Cell of Acetobacter pasteurianus INT-7. Agritech 30 (2) : 123 – 132
Pramono, YB., Rahayu, ES., Suparmo, dan Utami, T. 2009. Antagonistic activity of lactic acid bacteria isolated from tradisional meat-petis fermentation). Jurnal Pengembangan Peternakan Tropis, 34 (1):22-27
Banyuaji, A., Rahayu, ES., dan Utami, T. 2009. Lactobacillus acidophilus SNP 2 viability in capsule anda its application in ice cream. Agritech, 29 (1): 171-178
Harimurti, S. dan Rahayu, ES. 2009. Intestinal morphology of broilers supplemented with a single and mixture strain of probiotic. Agrietch 29 (3): 179-183
Eni Harmayani, Endang S. Rahayu, Titiek F. Djaafar, Citra Argaka Sari, dan Tri Mawarti. 2009. Utilization of bacteriocin producer culture Pediococcus acidilactici F-11 as coagulantin tofu processing. Jurnal Penelitian Pasca Panen Pertanian (Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Postharvest Research); 6 (1):10-20
Eni Harmayani, Endang S. Rahayu, Titiek F. Djaafar, Nuri Wahyuningsih, dan Tri Mawarti. 2009. Utilization of the culture supernatant of Pediococcus acidilactici F-11 as a bacteriocin produces to extent shelf-life of tofu. Jurnal Penelitian Pasca Panen Pertanian (Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Postharvest Research); 6 (2): 85-93
Pramono, YB., Rahayu, ES., Suparmo, dan Utami, T. 2008. Fermentation characteristic of cow-meat using several concentration of brine. Jurnal Agribisnis dan Industri Pertanian, 7(2):215-224.
Pramono, YB., Rahayu, ES., Suparmo, dan Utami, T. 2008. Isolation and identification of lactic acid bacteria feom meat-petis tradisional. Jurnal Pengembangan Peternakan Tropis, 33(4):319-323
Onodera, H., Kaneko, M., Takahashi, Y., Uochi, Y., Funahashi, J., Nakashima, T., Soga, S., Suzuki, M., Ikeda, S., Yamashita, Y., Rahayu, E.S., Kanda, Y., and Ichimura, M. 2008. Conformational significance of EH21A1–A4, phenolic derivatives of geldanamycin, for Hsp90 inhibitory activity. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 18 : 1577–1580.
Rubak, YT., Rahayu, ES., dan Sardjon. 2008. Reduction of aflatoxin B1 by fermentation using Rhizopus oligosporus MK-1 during pecel-sauce production. Agritech 28 (4) : 157-161
Marwati, Rahayu, ES., dan Indrati, R. 2008. Reduction of Aflatoxin B1 by cooking using CaC03 solution, during enting-enting production. Agritech 28 (4) : 162-166
Purwandhani, S.N., Rahayu, ES. dan Suladra, M. 2008. Effectivity of supplementation probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus SNP-2 during tape ketan and brem production. Agritech 28 (4) : 180-185
Khairina, R., Khotimah, I.K., and Rahayu, ES. 2008. Supplementation of Lactobacillus acisophilus SNP-2 during fermentation of tape biji teratai (Nhymphaea pubescen Wild). Agritech 28 (4):186-188
Hintono, A., Astuti, M., Wuryastuti, H., dan Rahayu, ES. 2007. The effect of egg protein and iron to antibacterial activity of heat oxitetracycline. Agritech, 27(1) 7-11
Hintono, A., Astuti, M., Wuryastuti, H., dan Rahayu, ES. 2007. Residue of oxitetracycline and its antibacterial activity in egg of chicken fed by oxitetracycline with therapeutic dose via drinking water. J. Indon. Trop. Anim. Agric. 32 (1) : 64-69
Harimurti, S., Rahayu, E.S., Nasroedin, dan Kurniasih. 2007. Lactic acid bacteria isolated from the gastro-intestinal tract of chicken. Animal Production, Mei (2007): 82-91
Pramono, YB., Rahayu, ES., Suparmo and Utami, T. 2007. Microbiological, physical, and chemical changes during spontaneous dry fermentation of meat petis. Jurnal Pengembangan Peternakan Tropis, 32 (4). Rahayu, E.S., Harmayani, E., Utami, T., dan Handarini. K. 2004. Pediococcus acidilactici F-11 producing bacteriocins as a biocontrol agent Escherichia coli and Staphyloccoccus aureus in fresh chilled vegetables. Agritech 24 (3): 113-124
Rahayu, E.S., dan Purwandhani, SN. 2004. Lactobacillus acidophilus SNP-2 supplementation on tape and its impact to volunteers. Journal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan 15 (2): 129-134.
Rahayu, ES. 2004. Prebiotic Milk Shake and its health benefits. Indonesian Food and Nutrition Progress, 11 (1): 25-29.
Sardjono, Rahayu, E.S., Raharjo, S., dan Kuswanto. K.R. 2004. Aspergillus proteolitik indigenous from koji and its capability to degrade AFB1. Agritech 24 (3): 139-145.
Sardjono, Rahayu, E.S., Raharjo, S., dan Rahayu, K. 2004. Detoxification of aflatoxin B1 by extracellular enzymes of Aspergillus oryzae KKB4. Indonesian Food and Nutrition Progress, 11 (1): 30-34
Tsumagari, N., Nakai, R., Onodera, H., Hasegawa, A., Rahayu, ES., Ando, K., and Yamashita, Y. 2004. MPC1001, a new antitumor antiniotic produced by Cladorrhiunum sp. The Journal of Antibiotic, 57 (8) 532-534.
Sardjono, Raharjo, S., Rahayu, E.S. dan Kuswanto K.R. 2004. The role of extracellular enzymes produced by Aspergillus oryzae KKB4 in biodegradation of aflatoxin B1. Indonesian Food and Nutrition Progress 11(2): 65-71
Rahayu, ES. 2003. Lactic acid bacteria in fermented foods of Indonesian origin. Agritech 23 (2): 75-84
Nugroho, DA. dan Rahayu, ES. 2003. Extraction and characterization of bacteriocin produce by Leuconostoc mesenteroides SM 22. Journal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan 14 (3) : 214-218
Purwandhani, SN. dan Rahayu, ES. 2003. Isolation and selection of potential Lactobacillus as probiotic agent. Agritech 23 (2) : 67-74
Rahayu, ES., Raharjo, S., dan Rahmiana, AA. 2003. Aflatoxin contamination on corn at East Java. Agritech 23 (4): 174-183.
Ustadi, Suparmo dan Endang S. Rahayu. 2002. Dried starter preparation halophilic lactic acid bacteria for the fermentative salted fish processing. Agritech 22(2) : 41-47 Amir Husni, Iwan YB Lelana, Endang S. Rahayu. 2001. Psychotropic bacterial resistance of fresh fishery products to the bacteriocins. Agritech 21 (4): 133-137
Margino, Agus Wijaya, Endang S. Rahayu. 1998. Cloning of Lab gene encoding bacteriocin from Pediococcus acidilactici F11 into Eschericia coli DH5-α. Agritech 18 (3): 8-11
Pitt, J. I., Hocking A. D., Miscamble, B. F., Dharmaputra, O., Kuswanto, K. R., Rahayu, ES., and Sardjono. 1998. The mycoflora of food commodities from Indonesia. Journal of Food Mycology 1 (1), 41-60
Endang S. Rahayu, Pertiwiningrum A., Indrati, R., Ra harjo, S., Rahayu, S., dan Margino, S. 1997. Transformation DNA fragment Salmonella into Eshericia coli DH5α. Agritech 17(1): 1-5